Aluminium Windows

Aluminium Windows

Aluframes Direct manufacture and supply high quality aluminium windows for trades companies across and throughout Middlesex, Greater London, Loughton, and the surrounding areas. Read more about this product below or contact us for details of our trade supply services.

Sleek, Subtle Design for Unmatched Aesthetics

Easy to Install for Efficient Fitting Times

Thermally Retentive for Optimal Energy Efficiency

Aluminium Windows for Trade

Aluframes Direct are proud to offer high quality Stayfix aluminium windows loughton. We manufacture these market leading windows and supply them to home improvement specialists across the Greater London area. They deliver an unrivalled performance and are easy to install in all different styles of property.

Aluminium windows are better in almost every category than uPVC windows. They are also lighter than steel and require significantly less maintenance than timber. As a result, aluminium is the perfect material for modern double glazed windows.

Wherever you operate here in the Greater London area, it’s essential that you’re offering aluminium windows to your customers. They blend visual appeal with unmatched performance levels and can be designed to suit classical period homes as well as modern new builds across our coverage area.

Choose Aluframes Direct today, and you can receive a reliable supply of our high quality aluminium windows. Manufactured using the finest components, you’ll be able to offer your local homeowners the very best in window technology.

Easy Trade Supply

We place high value on the standard of service we are offering. We believe that the trade supply service should be effortless and hassle free for you as the installer. As a result, we have perfected our process to ensure that you’re getting your products in an efficient and straightforward manner.

Our aluminium windows are available on short lead times and can be ordered in person or over the phone. From there, you can collect your bespoke products by visiting our trade counter. At each stage, you’ll receive a personal service and will have all your individual needs catered for.

Enfield windows

Thermally Efficient Aluminium Windows

Our aluminium windows offer your customers a fantastic thermal performance. They deliver superb heat retention thanks to consistent thermal conductance throughout the system. When partnered with the three chamber design, these aluminium windows are able to achieve superb Window Energy Ratings. At their best, these frames can achieve U-values as low as 1.3W/m2K.

The high quality profile is supported by the stunning glazing that we fit. 28mm as standard, the glass can be thickened to 32mm to further enhance the thermal retention during the colder periods. Whichever your customers choose, they will enjoy much better energy efficiency than they would with a uPVC window sourced from a competitor. Offer them the very best by choosing Aluframes Direct.


Fully Customisable Frames

We craft our high performance aluminium windows to order. Doing so ensures that you are offering your customers bespoke products, allowing them to customise and configure something that is perfect for their home. They can choose from top and side hung options, as well as the option of dual colour finishes in gloss, matt and satin on any RAL colour.

In addition to this, your homeowners can enjoy the naturally attractive design of aluminium. More robust than uPVC, these windows can be designed with slimmer sightlines for sleek and minimalistic aesthetics. Customers can complement this visual appeal with a range of authentic accessory and hardware options that allow the windows to unify with their home décor.


Secure Aluminium Windows

You can give your homeowners complete peace of mind by supplying our aluminium windows. They deliver unrivalled home security standards thanks to a range of durability measures fitted throughout the window. They work in harmony with the natural rigidity of the aluminium to ensure that your customers can rest easy knowing they’re protected against break-ins.

The system has been specifically designed to accommodate high quality locking systems that protect the perimeter of the aluminium frame at several points. Meanwhile, a bayonet style external bead is fitted to withstand forced entry into our aluminium windows. Heavy duty hinges allow the profile to withstand high amounts of pressure without snapping.

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Aluminium Window Prices

Speak to a member of the Aluframes team today if you’re interested in our trade supply services, including our aluminium windows. Leave your details on our online contact form, and we’ll get back to you to provide more information.

We also have an online quoting engine here at Aluframes Direct. Trades companies and homeowners alike can use it to get estimated prices for our aluminium windows. It’s completely free to use and works on any device, making it easier than ever before to receive a bespoke price. Give us a call today on 0800 689 1289.